Whakarongo, whakarongo, whakarongo ki te tangi o te manu e karanga nei; tui, tui, tui, tuia
Listen to the cry of the birds calling for unity
hapori whanui community
The Learning Environment is stewarded and supported by an expansive network of Coordinators, Kaitohutohu [Advisors], and Kaitūao [volunteers], as well as friends and whānau [family]
Sam O’Sullivan
Clinical Psychologist.
Ka tipu ahau i raro i te maunga o Rangitoto
Ka tipu ahau i te taha o te moana o Hauraki
Ko tangata tiriti tōku iwi.
Ko O’Sullivan tōku wānau.
Ko Sam tōku ingoa.
Kei te Whanganui ahau e noho ana.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Bachelor and Master of Arts
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology
Graduate Diploma in Leadership for Change
Cert. Te Reo Māori Level 1&2
Associated Projects
Wellbeing Coordinator
Communication & Marketing
Living Strategy
Secretary - Woven Rivers Charitable Trust
Kaitohutohu advisors
Onboarding / Welcoming
People Care / Health & Well-being
Living Strategy
Prototyping Learning Experiences
Chairperson - Woven Rivers Charitable Trust
Julie Crocker
Dancer. Embodiment Facilitator. Food Rescuer. Community connector.
Post Graduate Diploma in Leadership for Change / Professional Practice - Otago Polytechnic (2020)
Certificate Diploma in Dance Therapy (2020)
Certified Facilitator of Dancing Freedom (2018)
Certified CELTA teacher (Certificate of English Language Teaching for Adults) (2016)
Certificate in Permaculture Design (2015)
Bachelor of Tourism Management & Bachelor of Arts (Media & Spanish) (2014)
He tauiwi ahau engari anei ngā wahi miharo ki ahau
Ko Maungarei te maunga
Ko Waitemata te moana
Ko Papatuānuku tōku Atua
Ko Iwi Poa, ko Ingarangi ōku iwi
Kei Waiheke ahau e noho ana
Ko Piritahi te Marae
Ko Crocker tōku whanau
Ko Roderick, rāua, ko Natatia ōku mātua
Ko Nikita, rāua, ko Asher ōku tuakana teina
Ko Juniper, rāua ko Cassius āku irāmutu
Ko Julie Crocker tōku ingoa
Associated Projects - Kai Conscious Cafe / Love our Wetlands Team
Tihei winiwini, tihei wanawana, tihei ki te wheiao, ki te ao mārama, tihei mauri ora!
He Pākehā ahau, engari anei nga wahi miharo ki ahau
Ko Rangitoto te maunga
Ko Tīkapa moana te moana
Ko Rangihoua te awa
Ko Airihi, ko Kōtarani, ko Ingarihi ōku iwi
Ko Piritahi te marae
Kei Whanganui ahau e noho ana.
Ko Ryan tōku whanau
Ko Cameron tōku ingoa
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.
Bachelor of Science (Geography) - Auckland University
Cert. Te Reo Māori Level 3&4 (current), Cert. Te Reo Māori Level 1&2,
Permaculture Design Cert, Cert. Facilitation, Outdoor First Aid, Growsafe RCA, WorkSafe H&S Rep training.
Associated Projects
Ecological Restoration Coordinator
Health & Safety Officer
Treasurer - Woven Rivers Charitable Trust
Cameron Ryan
Native Forester.
Community Development.
Emma Morris
Community Development. Education.
Urban Planning.
Ko matariki ki runga, ko ngā tangata rongomaiwhiti ki te whenua, tēnā rā kotuou katoa
He Pākehā ahau, engari anei nga wahi miharo ki ahau
Ko Maungawhau te maunga
Ko Waitemata to moana
Ko Wērehi, ko Airihi, ko Kōtarani, ko ingarihi ōku iwi
Ko Piritahi te marae
Kei Whanganui ahau e noho ana.
Ko Morris tōku whānau
Ko Emma tōku ingoa
Masters of Professional Practice (Education, Distinction) - Otago Polytechnic
Bachelor of Urban Planning (1st Class Hons) - University of Auckland
Cert. Te Reo Māori Level 3&4 (current), Cert. Te Reo Māori Level 1&2,
Cert. Permaculture Design, Cert. Permaculture Teacher Training, Cert. Facilitation, Regenerative Practitioner
Associated Projects
Education Coordinator and Educator
Living Strategy
Design Coordination
I tīpu ake ahau i te Tamaki Makaurau
Ko Tangata Tiriti tōku iwi
Ko Airihi ko Ingarihi ōku tupuna
Ko Ngāti Kinohaku tōku whānau whānui
Ko Oparure te marae
Ko Brook rāua ko Hursthouse tōku whānau
Ko David Richard Hursthouse tōku ingoa
Ko Te Tiriti o Waitangi tōku turangawaewae
E mihi ana ki Te Awa Tupua me ki ngā tohu nehe o Whanganui e noho nei au
Associated Projects
Chairperson - Permaculture in New Zealand
Farm Coordinator
Organisational Strategy & Governance
Financial Management
Graphic Design
Director - Pīwakawaka Farm Ltd
Dave Hursthouse
Regenerative Farmer. Social Ecologist. Ecological Designer.
Doctorate of Professional Practice (Thriving Life) - Otago Polytech (Ongoing)
Grad.Dip of Professional Practice (Ecological Organisation, Distinction) - Otago Polytechnic (2019)
Bachelor of Arts (Politics) - University of Otago (2013)
Diploma in Māori Art, Toi Paematua - Mau Rākau - Level 5 - Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (2019)
Certificate in Organic Horticulture - Level 3 (2015)
Certificate in Permaculture Design (2015)
Certificate in Permaculture Education (2016)
Certificate - Te Pumaomao Nationhood Building (2019)
We are announcing our advisors soon, watch this space!
He Pākeha ahau, engari anei ngā wāhi mīharo ki ahau
Ko Te Taurere te maunga
Ko Anatoki te awa
Ko Whanganui-a-tara te moana
Ko Tangata Tiriti tōku iwi
Ko Gedye tōku whānau
Ko Leo tōku ingoa
Associated Projects
Secretary - Permaculture in New Zealand
Orchards Coordinator
Maintenance Coordinator
Leo Gedye
Orchardist & Wild Gardener. Native Ecologist. Nature Facilitator.
Bachelor of Professional Practice
Bachelor Arts (Film Production, Cultural Anthropology)
Permaculture Design Certificate
Outdoor First Aid
Growsafe RCA
Ness Radich
Event Coordination,
Ko Taranaki te maunga e rū nei tōku ngākau
Ko Patea te awa e mahea nei tōku māharahara
Nō Whakaahurangi ahau
E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Whanganui e noho nei au
Ko Tarara, ko Airihi, ko Kōtarani, ko Ingarihi ōku iwi
Nō reira, ko tangata tiriti tōku iwi.
Ko Radich tōku whānau
Ko Vanessa tōku ingoa
Bachelor of Leadership for Change - Otago Polytechnic (2020)
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration: Human Resources, Management and Psychology (2011)
CELTA - Cambridge Certificate of Teaching English to Adults (2015)
Onboarding / Welcoming
People care / Health & Well-being
Community Engagement
Funding Strategy
Kaitohutohu advisors
Our Kaitohutohu come from diverse and unique backgrounds, with expertise ranging from business and project management, mental health and wellbeing, tikanga and te reo Māori, alternative education, organisational management, and ecological regeneration.
Kaituao volunteers
We have a number of Kaitūao who voluntarily offer their time and skills to various smaller aspects of the Learning Environment. Volunteer opportunities are diverse and far-ranging, from actively working on the land to working away behind a computer screen from a distance.
There are always things that need doing in an organisation with such a big kaupapa! Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in supporting our vision in any way.
He Awa whiria braided rivers
We believe that the wellbeing of people and planet can be achieved through deep collaboration, and we prioritise collaborative partnerships with Māori - with iwi, hapu, and Māori-led organisations.