Whakarongo, whakarongo, whakarongo ki te tangi o te manu e karanga nei; tui, tui, tui, tuia
Listen to the cry of the birds calling for unity
ohanga Economics
Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket the people will prosper
The economic imperative of the Socio-Ecological Learning Environment and the Woven Rivers Charitable Trust is to:
reduce or remove any financial cost for the learner.
Our economic practice is based on a deep cultural ethic of offering learning to the world in a way that is financially accessible for all people. We are creatively adapting our economic model so that it can both integrate with wider economic structures, and do things in an alternative way that may help mitigate the destructive effects of conventional economic systems.
The primary means for reducing or removing financial costs for learners is the Scholarship Fund. Surplus income, grant funding and philanthropy feed this fund, which offers full and partial Scholarships to potential learners. Woven Rivers Charitable Trust is the distributor and custodian of these Scholarships.
The organisation is made up of multiple economic units known as Trees. Some Trees are Business Units that generate income, and some are Working Groups funded by the Trust. All these economic units exist to further the Charitable Purposes of the organisation, and the Business Units contribute surplus profit to the Scholarship Fund.
The Primary Business Unit is the Learning Centre Business, responsible for the delivery of learning experiences.
The first Ancillary Business is Pīwakawaka Farm Ltd, which is responsible for the management of the farm, and the production and sale of farm products.
Woven Rivers Charitable Trust is the sole sharehold of these Business Units.
An advanced form of this economic model is depicted in the diagram below:
For more information, please request our Financial Overview
putea financial support
If you are interested in financially supporting the organisation, there are a number of ways to do so.
You can make the ongoing existence of our charity possible through one-time or monthly donations.
Donations go to Woven Rivers Charitable Trust, and are tax deductible:
If you are interested in making larger donations or investment opportunities, please contact us.
Thank you for your support!